Student Resources
At the the WATR Center, our students are our top priority. We will do our best to make sure that you have the most stress-free, pleasant training experience possible. There are many resources available from our partners and the main Edmonds College campus. Please don't hesitate to let us know what we can do to help you out.
Student Resource List
EC Center for Student Cultural Diversity & Inclusion
The Center for Student Cultural Diversity & Inclusion strives for equity and inclusion for students of color and marginalized backgrounds through empowerment, advocacy, and celebration. The center serves all students with additional intentional efforts of centralizing around students of color, gender-diverse backgrounds, the LGBTQ+ community, and all other historically marginalized identities.
Beyond programming diversity and social justice events such as Coming Out Day, Lunar New Year, and MLK Celebration, the center itself holds off/on-campus resources such as a computer lab, free printing every week, check-out programs for calculators, laptops, books, and more for students to utilize.
Communities of Color Coalition
The Communities of Color Coalition (C3) mission is educating and advocating for social justice and human rights, especially for people of color and other under-represented groups that have been systemically oppressed. We do this through a transformational process that centers and supports those who are closest to the problem in developing and implementing the solutions necessary for systemic change.
If you live in Snohomish County and need help with rent, utilities, food resources, counseling, free phones, prescription assistance, or other needs, your North Sound 2‐1‐1 Community Resource Advocate (CRA) may be able to help.
Si usted vive en el condado de Snohomish y necesita ayuda con la renta, bil de luz/agua/gas, recursos de comida, asesoramiento, celular (gratis), asistencia de receta médica u otras necesidades, su Coordinador de Recursos Comunitarios (CRC) de North Sound 2‐1‐1 podría ayudarlo.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services
- Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET) assist federally funded Basic Food (SNAP) participants gain skills, training or work experience to increase their ability to attain a living wage career. BFET services are available from all WA State community and technical colleges as well as many community based organization (CBO) providers including the Employment Security Department (ESD).
- Food, Cash, Medical
- Housing Assistance
- Child Support
- Youth Services
- Adult Care
- Disability Support
- And more
You may feel overwhelmed by all the changes happening around you, but remember that you’re not alone. If you want to talk to someone, the Counseling Center can help. The Counseling Center offers:
- Personal counseling
- Career counseling
- Student success counseling
- Resources and referrals
- Free counseling - Get free personal and career counseling at the Counseling and Resource Center. Counselors are supportive and sensitive to every student’s background and life experience. Call or email to schedule an appointment.
- The Wellness Center - The Wellness Center is a safe space to relax, ask questions about health and wellness, receive referrals to resources, and learn. Stop by and enjoy a cup of tea!
- Gym - Check the athletics web page for current hours of operation. A current EdPass and athletic shoes and attire are required to use the gym and weight room.
- Food Pantry - The Edmonds College Food Pantry is a free service available to Edmonds College students and employees experiencing food insecurity located in the Olympic Building. Please bring your EdPass or ctcLink ID when visiting, and check out our website for the quarter's hours.
Emergency Assistance for Students
We have multiple sources of funds students can access from this one application. Each funding program has different eligibility criteria and we will match you with the funding that meets your needs. Funds are limited and not all students will receive emergency grants from these programs. If we are unable to assist you with a grant, we will refer you to community resources as available.
- Campus Technology Resources
- Edmonds College students are provided various technology resources available on and off campus.
- You must be taking at least (1) credit
Use your Triton ID and Email to:
- Access Google Suite applications and Student Email
- Connect to Campus WiFi
- Check out a Chromebook
- Log into Campus Lab Computers
- Connect to Virtual Computer Labs
- Printing on main Edmonds College campus
Latino Educational Training Institute (LETI)
LETI is dedicated to strengthening relationships between Latinos and the wider community.
We provide an array of services to that purpose. We also sponsor community events
in and around our Lynnwood headquarters, including our annual Latino Expo; health
fairs, workshops and other personal and family development activities.
Our mission is to facilitate the personal and financial success of Spanish-speaking
and bilingual persons and inspire Latino youth to pursue their dreams and become leaders
in their communities. LETI strives to support family success and wellbeing through
education, cultural awareness, and social responsibility.
We all face the need to have a good life every day. We all experience a desire to
conquer what may seem to be an impossible challenge. What defines us is how willing
we are to do what must be done so we may be where we want to be. There always is a
new way to make ourselves better than ever. LETI's aim in all that we do is to develop
a future of hope, lifelong achievement, self-realization and well-being among all
LETI se dedica a fortalecer las relaciones entre los latinos y la comunidad en general.
Brindamos una variedad de servicios para ese propósito. También patrocinamos eventos
comunitarios en y alrededor de nuestra sede de Lynnwood, incluida nuestra Expo Latina
anual; ferias de salud, talleres y otras actividades de desarrollo personal y familiar.
Nuestra misión es facilitar el éxito personal y financiero de las personas bilingües
y de habla hispana e inspirar a los jóvenes latinos a perseguir sus sueños y convertirse
en líderes en sus comunidades. LETI se esfuerza por apoyar el éxito y el bienestar
familiar a través de la educación, la conciencia cultural y la responsabilidad social.
Todos enfrentamos la necesidad de tener una buena vida todos los días. Todos experimentamos
el deseo de conquistar lo que puede parecer un desafío imposible. Lo que nos define
es cuán dispuestos estamos a hacer lo que se debe hacer para que podamos estar donde
queremos estar. Siempre hay una nueva forma de hacernos mejores que nunca. El objetivo
de LETI en todo lo que hacemos es desarrollar un futuro de esperanza, logros para
toda la vida, autorrealización y bienestar entre todos los latinos.
Learning Disabilities Association of Washington (LDAWA)
Learning Disabilities Association of Washington (LDA WA) promotes and provides service and support to improve the quality of life for individuals and families affected by learning and attentional disabilities.
The Learning Disability Association of Washington has released an online directory to help those affected by learning disabilities find resources within the greater Puget Sound region. The directory lists over 800 resources organized into categories ranging from diagnostic testing, consultants, therapists and support groups to optometrists, ADHD resources, physicians and psychiatrists.
Services for Students with Disabilities (Edmonds College)
Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) ensures that programs at Edmonds College are accessible and usable by students regardless of ability.
SSD offers the following services to students of Edmonds College:
- Academic advising
- Campus orientation
- One-on-one tutoring
- Interpreters for the Deaf
- Test scribes
- Readers
- Early registration
- eBooks
- Large print materials
- Braille
- Accommodated testing
- Transcriptioning
- Note takers
The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is located on the second floor of (Edmonds College) Lynnwood Hall, Room 215.
Veterans benefits and resources can help you be successful and the VRC encourages all student veterans to explore available benefits.Contact the VRC with questions about any of the federal, state, or local, resources and other benefits.
- Services provided:
Veterans Computer Lab
- Veteran's computer lab is open for use by all student veterans, and others.
WATR Center Financial Assistance
Loans, scholarships, GI Bill, and other financial assistance are available for students of the Washington Aerospace Training & Research (WATR) Center
- Aerospace Loan Program (ALP)
- GET Program
- GI Bill Program
- Sallie Mae Loan Program
- And more
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
WorkSource is a statewide partnership of state, local and nonprofit agencies that provides an array of employment and training services to job seekers and employers in Washington.
Customers access services electronically through or through a network of more than 60 WorkSource centers, affiliates and connection sites.
Do you know of an organization or program that could benefit students at the WATR Center? Let us know at